Important Initiatives

We collaborate often to ensure we’re bringing you the best nutrition science news from a variety of perspectives. Here, you’ll find the outcomes of some of our recent partnerships. Click a topic below to explore.

Real Madrid

Abbott, Real Madrid, and the Real Madrid Foundation, have teamed up to “Beat Malnutrition” as part of a sustained collaboration urging communities to work together to reduce malnutrition.

Enteral Nutrition Academy

Tube feeding syringes and tubes sit strewn across a surgical table
Tube feeding syringes and tubes sit strewn across a surgical table
Tube feeding syringes and tubes sit strewn across a surgical table

The Enteral Nutrition Academy (ENA) has been designed to keep you up to date with the latest scientific advances in enteral nutrition. The Academy offers resources and events to help advance patient outcomes through improved enteral nutrition strategies. Our goal is to provide a forum to communicate best practices in enteral nutrition delivery from enteral nutrition experts in an interactive way.

Strength Ambassadors

The Abbott Strength Ambassador Program supports healthcare professionals by providing important, science-backed resources on the role good nutrition can play in building and maintaining strength to improve patient outcomes.

Glycemic Guardians

Glycemic Guardians are a collective of medical authorities who share their diabetes expertise with other practicing clinicians, who then share this knowledge with colleagues around the world.

Growth Ambassadors

Growth Ambassadors are a collection of expert healthcare professionals from around the world who want to build awareness about the importance of childhood nutrition and growth, especially as it relates to measuring, identifying, and treating children at risk of undernutrition or growth faltering.

Malnutrition Quality Improvement Initiative (MQii)

The Malnutrition Quality Improvement Initiative (MQii) began in 2013 when MQii was established through a partnership with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Avalere Health, and other stakeholders, to advance evidence-based, high-quality, patient-driven care for hospitalized older adults (age 65 and older) who are malnourished or at risk for malnutrition.